Gathered 20 examples of how creativity in the kitchen went a little too far. But one thing is for sure: these cooking disasters will definitely cheer everyone up in your house!
1. A perfect example of being nice to your enemy
2. When pizza cooking turns into a nuclear test:
3. Sometimes food tries to tell you something.
4. When dough becomes a pair of new gloves.
5. Expectation vs reality
6. When a surprise for your beloved turns into a tragedy:
7. Is this some sort of deep frying experiment?
8. Sometimes muffins take really unexpected shapes.
9. The first sandwich is always troublesome.
10. These look like perfect muffins for zombies!
11. Someone decided that the amount of flour in the recipe was not enough.
12. Let’s burn a few calories!
13. Yin and yang on one plate
14. The prototype and the result don’t always match.
15. When freshly-baked muffins look as if someone’s already tried them all.
16. “Who’s talking here? Oh, that’s my food!”
17. The chef’s special at “Burning Man”
18. This is an example of a double “cake-tastrophe”.
19. Sometimes you may have small talk with your dessert.
20. When your kitchen looks like a perfect crime scene:
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